Pavel Plchot, the leader of Czechia, It's a New Day movement, together with his friend Ondřej Šams, create podcasts Living, not just Surviving.
National transformation is commonly thought of as the integration of God's ways into the laws, government policy, economics, and culture of a nation. While this is largely true, an intangible factor must first be dealt with before these tangible changes can create sustainable transformation.
en-Ublíží mi opět někdo?
Vrtá vám někdy hlavou, co je hnacím motorem vašeho jednání a vašeho myšlení? Každý z nás má určitou podvědomou otázku, která pohání naše motivace, naše jednání a dokonce i vzorce našeho uvažování. Tato otázka se, v dobrém či špatném, obvykle formuje na základě nějakého určujícího momentu nebo převládající atmosféry v dětství. Pokud se ve svém srdci...
Have you ever visited a friend and, upon arrival, realized that there was some hostility between your friend and their spouse? Unbeknownst to you, you had stepped into a warzone. Your friend offers you coffee or tea, the spouse reluctantly readies a cup-a, and all the while you could cut the tension with a knife. You find yourself looking...